The MOPH - Veterans Business Training Center
The Veterans Business Training Center is a training program available for disabled veterans in the Contact Center-Call Center Industry. Veterans from around the country are applying for admission to this dynamic training. Managed by a team of Purple Heart Service Foundation professionals, the Veterans Business Training Center provides combat-wounded and disabled veterans with 15-weeks of web based, on-line classroom and practical training. At the conclusion of the training program, each veteran trainee will have a thorough understanding of a very complex, VOIP predictive dialing web-based system that is utilized world-wide.The mission of this program is to recruit, train and place qualified veterans in high-demand career positions and provide the skills needed to make a decent wage for themselves and their family, all while working from home. The need for skilled contact/call center agents and supervisors working from home has boomed. Growth in the industry translates to real opportunities for homebound, disabled and combat-wounded veterans. Training as market researchers, data managers, hotline responders, website order processor's, help desk managers, customer care and customer service coordinators, virtual administration and billing clerks, and data management services allows for quick placement in the global job marketplace.
Hire a Veteran Graduate: If you are a Business or Organization and would like to hire a graduate from the Veteran Business Training Center, please call #703-340-8763.
This training does not require veterans to have a Purple Heart medal. Fill out the On-line Application, or for additional information please contact: MrZ@purpleheartfoundation.org
For Donations: To make a tax-deductible donation to this program, please call (800) 935-9924.

If i saw this yesterday it must be alot different - looks magnificent - A+ - Cool!
Good job Tony - hopefully alot of vets will stop by and see the information.
This post too is outstanding, great job,,,,,
You have accomplished a great blog. It looks great.
Nice work. Your passion for the subject matter shows through. Good luck and you have my support for this and all future projects.
Great job on this. I will bookmark the page and use it for a reference point. You have a lot of great stuff here that anyone can use.
Patrick Maloney
Tony - Great job on you blog. I will follow this one on a weekly basis.
was in army from 1978-81,the 4th infantry div fort carson,and the OLD GUARD.
Wow! You hit the nail on the head. Now individuals who happen to come across your blog that own or work for some company that can use our services, may hire us. Great blog!
Great links with good information.
A great start. I'll be in Africa for November, but will definitely try to log in a few times to see how this website has developed.
Good work you're doing here. You and this site are a valuable asset.
Rakkasan is spelled wrong.
Correct spelling in a blog is essential. Itz nut profeshiunell.
Aside from that kick, nice blog.
Good job Tony. I look forward to seeing how this blog develops.
Get the spelling right.
Great Job Tony. I feel that people should know that the VBTC is a big scam, and that they say %100 job placement..is a joke because nobody from my class got a job or even an offer..
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