VA Urges Veterans to Wear Medals on Veterans Day

VA Urges Veterans to Wear Medals on Veterans Day
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18, 2006--The Honorable R. James Nicholson, secretary of Veterans Affairs, and leaders of major veterans organizations today called on America's veterans to help kindle a new spark of patriotism on Veterans Day by wearing the medals they earned during military service.
"We are announcing a Veterans Pride Initiative to remind Americans of the pride and honor in the hearts of those who have served," Nicholson said. "We expect Americans will see our decorated heroes unite in spirit at ceremonies, in parades and elsewhere as a compelling symbol of courage and sacrifice on Veterans Day, the day we set aside to thank those who served and safeguarded our national security."
The campaign is modeled after a tradition in Australia and New Zealand, countries who honor the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) on April 25. ANZAC Day sees veterans wearing their military decorations whatever they are doing on that day. Nicholson said he hopes a U. S. tradition will ensue to emulate this pride in being a veteran and in honoring our veterans.
VA is offering information about the campaign on its website, where veterans also can obtain information about how to replace mislaid medals and learn how to confirm the decorations to which they are entitled.
I love your blog.
I read your blog and I find it very interseting. I too support our veterans.
look real good. way to go
Great Blog Site Tony..!! Tony,Good to hear from another "All the way,Sir" veteran..I was with the 2/502 w/82nd @ Bragg then in Nam I was with 101st Abn Aslt Hel Bn...Good to have you home sir. RogerD A911
Hey Army Vet!
Sharpe here. Best of luck and God bless you. I hope, if you have time, that you might discuss why you joined the military, what you learned there and what it offers to youth today. Those are the sorts of things my children need to learn and I can't teach them.
Also, let us civilians know what we can do. My kids send cards and cookies to hospitalized vets, but can we do more? We'd like to take some games down to the hospital and spend some time. Is this a hokey idea? Is there a specific person to contact?
Marineair here...
I thought that Sharpe's comment was well-put. I'm still active (just arrived on-island in Okinawa a few days ago), but it doesn't mean that I'm completely informed about all of the benefits geared towards veterans. As you probably know, we usually don't find out that we rate something until some expert tells us after the fact.
Good luck, and thanks for taking this on.
Looks like a good start. Good luck with your blog.
zkraut here....
Looks great Armyvet! The introduction was really good!
Very nice blog. I think it was well typed and a very good job.
ArmyVet, my respect for you grows even more. I think your blog here is off to a great start and I hope it continues as well.
Best of luck,
doing great, great idea for Veterans day.
Is there a polite way to inquire about a veteran's war experience if they are displaying medals?
we need to let veterens know that they are important to us, kudos on this blog
Good thing this. The efforts of those who serve should not be forgotten. Keep up the good work dude.
Glad to see that there is a movement in this direction. Remembering our Vets is something that this country is not always very good at.
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